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Welcome to the Classroom To Table Application
The C2T program fosters conversation and academic connection among undergraduate students and College faculty who gather in small groups for a meal or coffee break arranged and paid for by the College.
Classroom To Table: Restaurant
For restaurant meals, a faculty member may invite between 3 and 5 students, or a group of 3 to 5 students may invite a faculty member, and the College will pay up to $30 per person in the party for lunch and $40 per person for dinner (before tax, tip and fees). C2T cannot fund alcohol. The last day for gatherings is 5/31/2024.
Classroom To Table: Coffee Break
Once you’ve provided information about your gathering’s participants, everyone will receive an email with a $15 voucher for Pavement Coffee (located in the Smith Center). A faculty member may invite between 2 and 10 students, or a group of 2 to 10 students may invite a faculty member. You’ll schedule your gathering for any location and weekday time that Pavement is open, and then print out your voucher and get together to enjoy coffee and conversation. Vouchers expire on 06/15/2024.

For detailed information and FAQs please click here: Classroom to Table Info

To enter this application you must authenticate via HarvardKey, using your HarvardKey. After successfully authenticating you will be returned to the application.

Harvard Affiliates: if you are eligible to but have not yet done so, you may claim your HarvardKey here.

If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please email the HUIT helpdesk at or call 617-495-7777.